It was cold inside the hall and my eyes got heavy. Still 2 pm with no hands-up music, utterly bored. Trying to help my friend with her teeth-mood and migraine, somehow it relieved. Then I found a mysterious orange cover book being read, right beside her, the doctor. It was Carlo Rovelli, the writer, in titled Reality is not what it seems: Journey to Quantum Gravity. Believe me, it needs more than a week to finish and re-read again. Well now I have not re-read it. However in some concepts, I did not use a translator. Hence all pure of quantum-imagination #cryingInTense
Kindly I borrowed that grey-orange book and read exactly in the next chapter from the doctor. It was written: Time does not exist. Wait what? My eyebrow rose, my smile thinned: What a concept for brilliant brain people. I like to read not to understand but to ‘just read’. Oddly this weird brain could understand. A bit. Haha.
Starting with the simple attempt: Time is not what we think it is.
As the common idea, we were always taught that time contains numbers of seconds to hours. Even the world uses the London clock as the standard for dividing time into many regions, they thought it suitable and precise. But in fact, the time does not run as if it where a great cosmic clock marking life in the universe. Time runs differently in every phenomenon, called localized phenomenon. We say that every object in the universe has its time running at their own determined pace — relate to gravity.
We won’t discuss how quantum gravity revolved for years around spatial equations for confronting time. Nevertheless, we both agreed about how space comes as an inert container, mentioned by Einstein in his famous equation. Before getting into gravity, we need to apperception of time and space. Let it be put this way: the things (quanta) do not live in the space, but they swell one over the other. Whilst space is the fabric of their in-between relations. As if we like to drop the idea of space before, we need to let go of the idea that time is just a steady stream where life naturally unfolds.
When the idea of a space continuum containing quanta fades, so does the idea of a flowing continuum ‘time’ during the local phenomenon. In some sense, if space no longer exists in fundamental theory, the quanta of gravitational are not in space. Similarly, if time no longer exists in fundamental theory. the quanta of gravity do not evolve in time. So time is not what we think it is. Today technology can easily verify the inadequacy of time in general relativity.
For example, general relativity in time brings the consequences of discrepancy of timepieces. Let say if two watch are located in different height of place they will come into different result.
The closer the watch from the earth’s center, the slower they run. It proves that time does not pass in the same way everywhere in the world. Time does not work as we usually imagine it does.
Now let’s talk about a persona, Ashif Barkhiya (آصف بن برخيا) who lived in Sulaiman as era. In islam he was also known as one of the truthful believer who knew the Greatest Name of Allah. My mother used to tell that he was the one who moved Queen Shaba throne in blink of eye, called karomah or miracle. Beside, he also helped Sulaiman alaihsalam to reveal the Greatest of God through the story from Irsyadul Ibad book (155–156).
One day when Allah commanded Sulaiman to go the beach because he will found out a marvelous-remarkable phenomena there. After arrived in the beach, Sulaiman asked his follower: human and jin to look after the phenomena. But they could not find it. Sulaiman commanded devil (ifrit) to dive the sea, but the result stayed same. He was confused until he asked Ashif Barkhiya, one of his ministry, to pray to Allah and finally He answered and showed.
It was a dome with four doors; one door made of diamond stone, yaqut stone, white diamond stone, and the other was green aquamarine (emerald). When the doors open nothing a single drop of water appear inside even it was located at the seabed, and it takes 3 times of distance from Ifrit’s dive. It was close to earth’s center.
Sulaiman and the followers amazed for seconds, until a young man appeared with white dress, gorgeus face, and clean body. After praying, he greet Sulaiman.
Sulaiman asked, why can you be in here, at the bottom of the sea?
He answered: “O Prophet of Allah, indeed my father was a paralyzed man and my mother was a blind woman. I cared for both of them for seventy years. I care for both of them with great affection. When death came to my mother, she prayed to Allah ‘O Allah, make my child’s life long in a state of always fearing You’ and when my father died he prayed to Allah ‘O Allah, place my child in a place where the devil will not find him’, (recite from
“After I buried my parents, I took a walk to the beach to relieve my sadness. Then I saw a shining dome, the dome was very beautiful, I went into it to see the beauty of the dome. Then came several angels. The angel took the dome into the sea, while I was in it,” said the young man.
Sulaiman then asked, in which era he came to the beach?
The man said: I came in Ibrahim alaihi salam. (Which refers to 2400 years ago).
How can the young man have no white hair, he still looks very young and fresh, Sulaiman said in his heart then start to ask: How can you get the food and drink?
“O Prophet of Allah, every day a bird comes to me that brings me food the size of a human head. I ate it, I felt a pleasure that I have never felt in the world, after I ate it, I no longer felt hungry, thirsty, hot, cold, sleepy, sleepy and the characteristics felt by humans in general and I also didn’t feel lonely,” he answered Sulaiman.
“Will you come with me and live in my kingdom, or you can back to your previous place?” asked Sulaiman.
The young man chose to stay in his previous place, the dom. So Sulaiman asked Ashif Barkhiya to return the dom into bottom of the sea.
Besides the point of birrul wallidain, dutiful towards parents as the Allah’s commands, we should see these phenomena from quantum physics and time. When something is placed closer to the center of the earth, it will aged slowly rather than us who live in the earth surface. Like the young man who did not age in thousand years.
Now the question is how exactly the distance did the ifrit dive in that time?