Tired of discipline? Start your procrastinating journey with 5 steps
Nothing is more impressive than a personal project that has been witnessed, like procrastinating. Like many young adults, are you reading with a rhyme? I was raised to be disciplined. As the first daughter of an Islamic Asian parent, I used to think about how to become the first at least second best of anything I’ve done in a good way. Because my parents do not have huge money, they taught me to be honest and always thankful. Besides my dad never wanted to secure a blank spot for his children like another dad we knew. #woops
Like he said: you need to break your leg, not daddy’s leg(acy).
The idea came when I was in a hurry of being humanly active despite becoming myself, I chose to stare at the ceiling and think about existence. Like Descartes said: I think therefore I am. Does ever the ceiling think about me, we are facing each other. Then I start to open my old notes. Hard to swallow but these are the truths of how to be a professional procrastinator. It might be you have done it before, then I’ll try to paint a word picture of it.
- Be overthinker! Think this is the easiest way to get into procrastinating. The best moment you can perform is at a long afternoon nap or night sleep. You need to be fully conscious and aware of everything that doesn’t matter, like people’s opinions about you. Knowing even theirs will never bother your life, but let’s pretend to get distracted and care of it. Being an overthinker is more than just thinking about yourself, you need to think about others. Start with marks like: How to please all the people you meet? and What if your life doesn’t give the impression to your circle? Putting those questions and mixing them with anxiety or fortunately uncountered daily stress, results in very deep complexity and being overwhelmed by fear. Please note: do not add any actions of your flashed suggested solutions. Just stare at elsewhere, or somebody’s soul and squeeze it with ungratefulness.
- There always be tomorrow. It sounds selfish right? But it is okay to be optimistic about the future. If you can do the work tomorrow what should be done today? Showing your optimistic to the most unpredicted things: time. Rather than call as avoiding responsibility, better to say waiting for the perfect time. As a human, you need mood to do things you dont like: working and studying. It was not your mistake that you are obliged in some situations, but that’s your own choice to put them off or just unseriously accomplish it. Believe, the chance always 50:50 either you wake up alive and full of energy or die and leave the charge behind. Talk about the regrets later buddy.
- Believe in the power of Deadliners. Honestly, I don’t into this term. When it comes to negative vibes like ‘dead’. I’ll use the finale. Learning by the race, it does not matter how fast or early you play the game, you will complete it. Doing the works or studying is not the sprint, you don’t have to start right after the horn bang, all you need is to believe in yourself. Compost the mood and energy all your body and wait for the perfect moment to do the work in a rush. You’ll feel your blood running through vessels and your brain, although now you probably feel additional symptoms like stomachache due to acid rising and headache and lack of food. Believe it’ll be gone as soon as you accomplish your task. It won’t last forever. Besides, we understand that is why 99% of people who do the work at the last minute tend to be finished. Never mind the substations, all you need for now is getting done.
- Perfectionism is everything. Unlike many people who created unperfect, you need to be perfect. Waiting for the ideal moments and moods to do anything. Without them who will ruin your peaceful day. Remember the quote: Do perfect or Nothing at all. Protect your reputation at all costs, no matter if it’ll flatten your plan or live. Another point is, you need to be able creating excuses. Like many humans being which always looking for their best safe zone. What should they step out their comfortness? It’ll make them hurt and -maybe learn from it. Remember: In this unpredicted world, except for climate change — You need to be ready at all cost.
So yeah, let’s start your procrastinating journey with me. Send many claps as you do when I see purposeful articles. Oh watch the 5th step, I just decided to delay the last tip, it is quite dangerous and leads to successful procrastinators. There is no free lunch baby.